Big Horn County Energy Efficiency
and Conservation Project

Nittany Grantworks prepared a $194,335 funding request for Big Horn County and funding was awarded in April 2010. Project tasks included preparation and submittal of grant application, coordination with government and facility officials for project activity determination and eligibility, energy efficiency research, project timeline development, calculation of energy-use baselines, calculating energy conservation measures and the proposed associated savings, development of project budgets, gathering letters of commitment and support, developing facility and site location maps in project areas and correspondence with utility providers for existing energy usage information and incentive program summaries. Nittany Grantworks will also provide additional grant administration activities including preparing written reports and checklists, processing drawdown requests, reviewing all proposed project expenditures and their proper allocation to the project budget and processing closeout documents.

Big Horn County requested EECBG funding to include retrofits to fluorescent light fixtures, crawl space insulation installation, HVAC central control and monitoring system installation and replacement of inefficient industrial washers and dryers in the Big Horn County Hospital; the replacement of inefficient industrial washers and dryers in the Big Horn County Nursing Home; and, fluorescent light fixture retrofits in the Big Horn County Courthouse. Big Horn County will also use EECBG funding to develop a county-wide Energy Conservation Plan to be completed by September 2011 and fully implemented by June 2012

Project Funding Package

Total Project Cost $194,335

Community Profile

Location: Big Horn County, Montana
Population: 12,798 or 3,924 households
Median Household Income: $27,684
Low and Moderate Income Percent: 29.2

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