Nittany Grantworks is proud to highlight some of the clients and community projects it has provided grant development services for.
Crow Tribe of Indians Phase 1 Water and Wastewater Infrastructure Improvement Project, $3,708,283
The Crow Tribe of Indians retained Nittany Grantworks to provide grant administration services for the Phase 1 Water and Wastewater Infrastructure Improvement Project in Crow Agency, Montana. At the time of retaining Nittany Grantworks, the Crow Tribe had secured all sources of funding for the project and needed assistance administering the loan and grant funds in accordance with guidelines established by the funding agencies.
Crow Tribe of Indians Phase 2 Water and Wastewater Infrastructure Improvement Project, $6,521,626
The Crow Tribe of Indians retained Nittany Grantworks to provide project development, grant application preparation, and grant administration services for the Phase 2 Water and Wastewater Infrastructure Improvement Project in Crow Agency, Montana.
Crow Tribe of Indians Phases 3 and 4 Preliminary Engineering Reports Project, $100,000
The Crow Tribe of Indians retained Nittany Grantworks to provide project development, grant application preparation, and grant administration services for the Phases 3 and 4 Preliminary Engineering Reports (PER) Project in Crow Agency, Montana.
Crow Tribe Phase 3 Wastewater Collection System Improvement Project, $6,877,000
The Crow Tribe of Indians retained Nittany Grantworks to provide project development, grant application preparation, and grant administration services for the Phase 3 Wastewater Collection System Improvement Project in Crow Agency, Montana.
Park County Fleshman Creek Flood Mitigation and Restoration Project, $3,091,175
Park County retains Nittany Grantworks to provide project development, grant application preparation, and grant administration services for a variety of community projects. In 2007, Nittany Grantworks secured a planning grant in the amount of $50,000 from the Montana Department of Natural Resources and Conservation to procure OASIS Environmental, Inc., to prepare a Comprehensive Management Plan for Fleshman Creek.
City of Livingston Composting Facility and Digester Rehabilitation Project, $1,663,000
The City of Livingston retains Nittany Grantworks to provide project development, grant application preparation, and grant administration services for a variety of community projects. In 2009, Nittany Grantworks assisted the City of Livingston in securing grant and loan funding to implement a community-wide composting system. The system integrates green waste (yard waste and food scraps) and bio-solids (treated sewage sludge) to create compost.
Park County Senior Citizen Center Housing Rehabilitation Project, $1,605,705
The Park County Senior Citizens Center Corporation retained Nittany Grantworks to provide services for the Preliminary Architectural Report (PAR) Project and Housing Rehabilitation Projects in Livingston, Montana.
Big Horn County Energy Efficiency and Conservation Project, $194,335
The Montana Department of Environmental Quality (DEQ), in cooperation with the United States Department of Energy, as part of an the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act program, accepted applications for up to $8.1 million in energy efficiency conservation block grants (EECBG). The grants were designed to reduce energy use while creating or retaining jobs across the State of Montana. The grants will support a range of energy efficiency and renewable energy projects at the local government level.
City of Livingston Glass Pulverizer Project, $189,706
The City of Livingston retains Nittany Grantworks to provide project development, grant application preparation, and grant administration services for a variety of community projects. In 2008, Nittany Grantworks assisted the City of Livingston to procure funding to purchase a glass pulverizer to implement a glass re-use program. The project entailed the purchase of a glass pulverizer and funds to offset construction costs associated with staging it at the City of Livingston Transfer Station and Recycling Center.
Park County Gardiner School Sidewalk Project, $203,500
Park County retains Nittany Grantworks to provide project development, grant preparation, and grant administration services for a variety of community development projects. One project is the Gardiner School Sidewalk Project.