Park County Fleshman Creek Flood Mitigation and Restoration Project The Comprehensive Management Plan details goals and action strategies to improve and restore Fleshman Creek. The plan was used as a guide to develop the Fleshman Creek Flood Mitigation and Restoration Project. The goals of the project include: creating a community resource; protecting, enhancing, and creating stream, riparian and wetland habitat; improving water quality; and, mitigating risk to property and life. Nittany Grantworks developed and is working to secure a funding package for the project.
Project Funding Package
US Federal Emergency Management Agency Pre-disaster Mitigation Grant
MT Department of Natural Resources and Conservation Grant
MT Fish Wildlife & Parks Future Fisheries Program Grant
Park County
Livingston School District and Trout Unlimited Volunteers In-kind
National Fish & Wildlife Foundation Bring Back the Natives Grant
Total Project Cost
Community Profile
Location: Livingston, Montana
Population: 6,851 or 3,084 households
Median Household Income: $28,980
Low and Moderate Income Percent: 41.1