Crow Tribe of Indians Phase 2 Water and Wastewater Infrastructure Improvement Project

The project entails the following capital improvements to infrastructure: constructing an aerated lagoon, wastewater interceptor extension, and main lift station; replacing wastewater lines; replacing water service saddles; replacing fire hydrants; purchasing a bulk water dispensing station; improving stormwater drainage; and, demolishing a small building. Construction of the project is expected to be complete in fall 2010.

Nittany Grantworks prepared the Indian Community Development Block Grant, Community Development Block Grant, State and Tribal Assistance Grant, and Water Resources Development Act Grant applications.

Nittany Grantworks completed the following grant administration activities: facilitated the engagement of grant contracts, met federal and state guidelines for the proper procurement of engineering services, completed environmental assessment worksheets, developed and published FONSI/NOI/RROF, prepared quarterly project progress reports, provided Big Horn County relevant project information for its required CDBG file, and participated in a CDBG grant administration workshop facilitated by Montana Department of Commerce. Nittany Grantworks also assisted the Crow Tribe in coordinating all sources of funding, preparing written reports and checklists, and reviewing all proposed project expenditures and their proper allocation to the project budget and funding source.

Project Funding Package

Lagoon Portion
USDA Rural Development Loan $571,369
US HUD FY 07 Indian Community Development Block Grant $1,100,000
US State and Tribal Assistance Grant $573,000
US Water Resources Development Act Grant $245,000
US Navy Seabees In-kind Earthwork Donation $292,000
US Indian Health Service ARRA Grant $1,033,610
MT Treasure State Endowment Program Grant $750,000
MT Community Development Block Grant $450,000
Crow Tribe of Indians $5,084
Water Service Saddle Portion
US HUD FY 08 Indian Community Development Block Grant $125,870
Crow Tribe of Indians $20,215
Water Fire Hydrants and Bulk Dispensing Station Portion
USDA Rural Development Grant $190,000
US Environmental Protection Agency Grant $6,262
Big Horn County, Montana $100,000
Crow Tribe of Indians $27,641
Stormwater Drainage Improvements and Building Demolition Portion
Crow Tribe of Indians $49,766
Wastewater Line Replacement Portion
USDA Rural Development Grant $715,400
USDA Rural Development Loan $266,409

Total Project Cost $6,521,626

Community Profile

Location: Crow Agency, Montana
Population: 1,552 or 336 households
Median Household Income: $22,438
Low and Moderate Income Percent: 62.4

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